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retrograde saturn in 5th house for virgo ascendant


Regards Romance takes a . The native is intelligent, fortunate, and eloquent in speech. The native is skillful and influences the enemies. In conjunction with Earth, Saturn moves in the forward direction for eight months, and then becomes retrograde for four month. The native loses honor and dignity in the community. Think carefully. Within your own social circle, this could mean a cutting of ties with someone who has let you down or failed to take your friendship seriously. Saturn is lord of the 7th And 8th house. Analyse his power to give results using Shad-bala, Ashtakvarga etc as per your level of understanding. You have to learn to recognise what makes life beautiful. In a natal horoscope, any planet in opposition to the Sun will always be retrograde. The native is dissatisfied with his mother. Natal Saturn retrograde in the 5th house, therefore, might stunt the native's creativity andability to find pleasure in things. The native is fortunate and labours hard for progress and success in his business. things get better after he matures. All planets turn retrograde from time to time, but what does that even mean? Since Saturn spends roughly one-third of the year in retrograde, there's a good chance you may have Saturn retrograde in your birth chart. In my late teens ( through some life events) I learnt that gratitude and appreciating whatever I had in life made everything easier and more beautiful( even when things got tough). Unlucky in an early part of life, but lucky and wealthy in last part of life. Its nice! During this phase, their attitude towards occultism and the higher states of mind may not take them in the right direction. Also, Saturn in 5 th house in conjunction with friendly planets forms auspicious combinations, acting as a boon & blessing you with fortune . Children with the Libra zodiac sign might act in an arrogant way. Copyright 2019 - 2023, Elements Of Planets- Mercury, Jupiter & Venus, Elements For Planets- Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, Planets in All 12 Houses for All 12 Ascendants, Jupiter in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aquarius ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mercury in All 12 Houses for Aries Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aries Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, saturn in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Taurus Ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, mars in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, venus in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mars in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mercury in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Leo Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mars in all 12 house for Scorpio Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Medical Astrology Consultation & services. It is fun and I learn a lot about the planets and how I should follow the advice. Saturn Retrograde Transiting the Astrological Houses. The native loves his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. Success in politics, the administrative field, or law is assured. The 11th house in astrology is the house of friends. Rahu in the 8th house for Aries Ascendant is a very difficult position for Rahu to be in. One of the more mysterious houses in astrology, natal Saturn retrograde in this house might denote issues with sexuality in a past life or stunted spiritual growth. I hope you would be kind enough to address those , One request is that i may have some personal details that you may want to hide/delete when/if you post it publicly, Looking forward to having some guidance & insights Tejaswini ji, Hi there The native follows religious traditions. Money is necessary but these other things which make Life valuable are important. There is no emotional anchor in life and the mindset is complex. In astrology, Saturn is the great malefic. The native leads a luxurious life and gets respect and honor in government and society. The native suffers from mental agony and pain. May be source of loss for parents of mother Loss of money. I wonder if you could elaborate a little bit on the soul group, who are they, how do they decide to travel together, are they family members only or anyone and everyone who one might encounter with karma to resolve in a lifetime? Saturn's new transit of your solar fifth house lasts until 2025/6. Saturn in the 3rd house the third house is the house of boldness, choices, brothers/sisters, extended family, neighbourhood, skills, trade, short distance travel, teammates etc. Its actually so amazing. The native never cares for his enemies. Over time, the power of Saturn retrograde in the natal chart can be harnessed towards success; if we can learn to filter the inbound messages from our inner critic, we can focus on what's helpful and ignore what's unnecessarily hurtful. Learn to be humble, helpful but at the same time try to assert your opinion, express your will. Sickness of father through changes and worries. in fact, if you have your saturn aspected by mars, esp 4th 8th aspect even then it will match to some extent, I cant say enough to thank you Tejaswini ji, for such a wonderful & enlightening post! You and your partner both fail to accommodate each other, might behave unethically, cruelly, selfishly, might get into financial trouble and finally behave in a mean minded way with each other. Here the tip is to recognise all work to be ultimately good, even if it is boring. Lucky, respected, loss of ancestral property in early part of life. The native is worried about the longevity of life and the advantage of inheritance. Accordingly, the planet Saturn resonates naturally well with the energies of the 6th house. Had it been Sign Cancer, the feeling and those related to mind would have been ignored by the native. This dominion rules over love, romance, sex, pleasure, creativity, and intelligence. Maybe you and your friends can take up some common cause for the society you live in. Also, they shall face problems with their siblings. When Saturn goes through a retrograde motion, that energy is inwards focused within us, rather than outwardly focused on the world. We know Saturn as the task-master of the astrological planets. Saturn in the 5th House Transit: A 5th house transit by Saturn will last about 2.5 years and so for this period, there may be a decreased interest or decreased amount of time available for fun and games. Career: Go-getter Mars' retrograde through your twelfth house of spirituality from September 9 to November 13 could make you feel a bit like you're slogging through a mud race when it comes to . Being a taurus ascendant, I have 5 th house saturn conjunct 2 degrees away from a exact same degree venus jupiter combo in 5 th house. The native works hard and gets great success and progress in his occupation/profession. Effects of Saturn in 5th House in Horoscope. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 5th House Those Saturn retrograde in the 2nd house in the natal chart is associated with valuing material things. Jupiter is considered to be the most powerful and influential planet among nine planets. The native always experiences worries and anxieties in his joint family. The native is quarrelsome and talks in a crooked way. Reversal in service. Misuse or abuse of the power you had on others. It always helps. Have gon through others and I have received mixed rising signs and info didn't seem to fit me. Later in life you might become a teacher of these same subjects. Their domestic life is also painful. The native gets some difficulties from his children. Doing your fair share is one thing, but this transit is here to teach you that being a doormat is not good for your health. Having Saturn retrograde in the first house of your natal chart signals difficulties with self-confidence. This can quickly lead to a feeling of being put upon and a considerable store of resentment. DK is in ascendant. these posts r of a generic nature, but i have writen a post on how to learn it systematically. The native has stomach pain and disease of secret parts of the body. Word by word a most powerful and solid foundation was created. When d-1 is favorable, moon chart seems unfavorable and vice versa. With Shani, there are two ways the energy can work. You will have to work hard to get them. It revolves round the Sun in 29 years, 5 months, 16 days, 23 hours, and 16 minutes. Generally labor intensive jobs are indicated with this position, which might be boring, repetitive or unsatisfying to your mind. Through this, gradually the real energy of the 5th house will be made accessible to you. Else Saturn will teach you this lesson thoroughly by making you emotionally cold, abusive, create intimacy issues, issues with inheritances etc to resolve your karma. DK mercury in 8th(combust) In D9 ascendant is saggitarius, AK moves to Virgo and is conjunct with moon in 10th house. Ruled by maternal Cancer, Saturn's influence on the 4th house revolves around not just your physical home but also your familial roots and tradition and the relationship between you and your caregivers. I consider myself fortunate that I can ask you questions of esoteric nature when the actual answer may not be available in mainstream platforms so thank you again. The native is intelligent and gets an education. He grants solitude, fear, dissociation, sorrow, insecurity, pain, loss and facelessness. The 8th house in astrology is associated with birth, death, rebirth, and transformation. Getting genuine protective shelter is difficult, this protection is in the form of nurture, nutrition, spirituality, advice, etc. These unhappy events make you think more about higher powers in life. Are you and your love interest meant to be? The 12th house with an auspicious Saturn is very good for spiritual growth. In middle of life, worries, litigations, devoid from mothers affection and distressed. The native is intelligent but lacks higher education and support for his children. Poor and lucky, youth life miserable, loss and grief in middle life. Saturn retrograde in the most spiritual part of your chart is a big deal and can feel very heavy. When Saturn goes retrograde, we become less focused on external boundaries and responsibilities and instead those influences turn inward. This post was on the way Saturn affects the psychological emotional context in different houses. This placement might come across as materialistic, putting money over everything. By divine Grace I was guided to Hanuman Chalisa by a great friend who is also a good Hanuman bhakt. We use your name to help us deliver a more personalized astrology reading. The native is not pleased with his wife and bears distress in enjoying sexual pleasures. Your sense of security, or lack of it, is key here. I'm going to watch her YouTube videos to learn more about what she has to say. The native is quarrelsome and speaks bitterly. Ive been thinking so much about Saturn lately and now its been manifested in the form of a lovely post. If Saturn is week or retrograde, evil effects will predominate. The 12th house in astrology is the house of the unconscious. Debilitated Jupiter for Virgo Lagna: Jupiter debilitated in fifth house and it rule fourth and seventh house. One will be shy, immoral, less comforts from wife, relations with brothers will not remain cordial, education will be limited, not so witty and intelligent, reversal in profession. The native may witness delays, financial losses, failures, setbacks, job loss, bad reputation and several other problems related to or through his profession. We may suffer from repressed fears, feelings of inadequacy, or a nagging sense that despite our best efforts, we could have done more, better, or different. Immense ALWAYS true and factual to my feeling EVERYTIME not like a vague newspaper in depth loving, caring personal please try you'll see . The Sun and Moon in the 7th house are especially encouraging for a new relationship (if you're single) because your main focus for the year (the Sun) plus your emotional concerns will be united in that area. Intimacy is not just physical intimacy, it is also emotional. If well aspected by Jupiter reverse results. Perhaps grown children are leaving home, or an older relative may move into care and no longer need so much of your help this can bring sadness, for sure. You fear failure but are ambitious, you feel that you are on a mission. You will gain power in your profession/ society steadily and are expected to exercise it carefully. With Saturn retrograde in your family zone, your family responsibilities may be shrinking but far from seeing this is a liberating thing, you may be horrified. The native is unhappy with their wife and gets problems in sexual relations. He may give a big amount of money, and/or wealth to the native, while hes alive, and/or through his will. Expect to process some deeply held emotions, especially those regarding your past or any trauma youve experienced. Always try to bring kindness, gentleness, spirituality and acceptance into these things represented by Saturn, however difficult it may seem. Will be benefited through others wealth. About a year and a half ago, the English translation of the Shani mahatmya quite magically presented itself to me at a tiny bookshop of a small airport which I wouldnt have gone into had my flight not been delayed! How Saturn in 7th, where it is having directional strength helps in karmic repay. Thank you, so many times we feel lost in this world and you've made things clearer. If exalted Venus is placed in the eleventh house in Pisces with Ketu, and benefic Sun is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius, the equation may become better. Their spouse can be older and mature than him. Their father is not cooperative. More careful for self-respect. The native leads his life through happiness and troubles. Hi there I am just beginning, and I apologize for my generic query and I see that one should never generalize. Namaste Madam, Some of your beliefs or prejudices are holding you back and this is time to fix that. I appreciate your information u send everyday. Do yr spiritual practice it helps fr all sorts of negativity. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 3rd House To overcome. Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in the sixth house. I recently read your post on the Evolution of the Soul and the horoscope and thoroughly enjoyed it although it hit a chord in that the post put the struggles in perspective i.e. This may be a result of an abusive family, broken family, feeling unloved, absence of love, broken heart, coldness, emotional trauma, sexual crime, abuse of the occult, etc in early childhood or past lives. The native feels frustrated. You are intuitively confident about your own ideas, thought processes and you have the perseverance to follow them up. The native can also travel to foreign land after birth of children. Family life is not happy and peaceful. You might face abandonment, isolation, frustration, sorrow. It makes these people intelligent, fearless, and intellectual. The native is intelligent, fortunate, and eloquent in speech. Hi there These are called NODES in Western Astrology, Rahu is known as Dragon's head and Ketu as Dragon's tail. ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), This difficult position will affect your spiritual practice also, as essentially, spiritual practice is merging with your innermost self, the deepest transformation possible. Fair minded, victory over enemies and wealth. On the positive side, natal Saturn retrograde individuals are often wise beyond their years, and considerably more in tune with their karmic destiny than others. She seems to be on the pulse of whats happening in my life. Saturn in third house people find connecting with others challenging. Years ago I was going through Shani sadesati and it was sheer hell. Ruled by Neptune and Pisces, it's one of the most mysterious houses in astrology. This placement must work on building their self-esteem. At the same time, Saturn is the planet of unshakable correctness and discipline. You owe a debt to your loved one, resolve it else you will be repeating this same painful lesson again and again. Saturn is lord of ninth and eighth house in Gemini ascendant. It's about living life on your own terms and not through rules placed on you. If Mercury is well placed and strong then good results can be seen. fourth is house represent inner emotional well being, and seventh house represents spousal equivalent and people. When it comes to retrograde planets, the zodiac sign the planet is traveling through gives us an overall flavor of what to expect, but this changes during each retrograde motion period. and will spiritual practice keep the negativity that you mention at bay? ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. If youre not happy with the way a group has been led, you may want to jump ship at this point. This mind-set makes you attract bad company. The Saturn's transit highlights these areas and causes delays in professional success. It is possible that, in your past lives, you were thrown out from your society, outcaste types and thus now you are not sure about your community. Think carefully about what unconscious patterns from the past or from a past life you might be repeating. My moon is in 8th. Choose your practice with due diligence (8th house is twelfth from the 9th) as you might get misguided. Kaitlin Kaiser is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. Like all planets in the birth chart, Saturn goes retrograde every once in a while. Effects of Saturn's retrogression in various houses: Ascendant: Retrograde Saturn in the 1st house shows that the individual did not develop . Saturn Retrograde Transiting 9th House Moon is at a higher degree. By figuring this out now, you wont repeat the same issue in the future. The native gets victory over enemies. You may also find it easier to discern your sacred purpose during a Saturn retrograde, which in itself can be a catalyst for better mental health. Material successes will come slowly, some help may be received but there will also be setbacks. Lots of money and success, wealth and good luck. Many thanks to you, Kelli. Frm moon fr emotional context Similar to all retrograde transits, Saturn's retrograde periods are excellent for reviewing what we have learned thus far from Saturn's transits with a view to continuous improvement. God Bless Your Soul. So you might be scared of expressing yourself, inhibited, learning new things is difficult, unfriendly, a lack of confidence, lack of common sense etc. I understood this will be happening whole life but how to find appropriate time to initiate a critical task? Victory over numerous enemies. His father also helps him. Allegiances to groups are being tested during this retrograde period. Saturn Retrograde Transiting 11th House I have Saturn in 4th, but I also relate to some extent with what youve said about Saturn in 8th, so wondered (i have Saturn in Scorpio). Also you have to learn more about your own psychology, your deepest feelings, motivations etc with this position. I humbly thank you and am sending appreciation vibrations to the good spirits who have been there for me all times. Dont expect to make a lot of progress fast but do expect to learn things about where your true vocation lies, and how you can get out of a career which isnt making your heart sing. You might have faced restricted circumstances in your initial life. The native takes others help. The native enjoys the happiness and sexual pleasures of his beloved wife. It is amazing, I was reading about the 3rd house as part of my study , and your post really came at the right time. It is not about money, you have to learn to share happiness, say kind words to your family/ friends, offer respect, also sing aloud in the bathroom and go for walks in nature and try to elevate your soul. The native also gets great respect and honor in government and society. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free! Or if someone is emotionally upset you feel guilty for no reason. Inauspicious Saturn in this critical house can give a lot of trouble as the entire personality and environment suffers under his constrictive influence. And Aries Saturn always creates more trouble. Mars turns retrograde for slightly less than 2 1/2 months every 2 years. Initially in life, there will be some trouble at home, parents (esp mother) will be unavailable, cold, absent, divorced or dead. He may lose his children through divorce. Saturn retrograde in these houses bring problems in education and at workplace. You have to learn this balance in this life. Hie maam. I just love the way you show a positive way of dealing with planetary issues I have been reading and learning from your articles for self development and they are all awesome. Kindly read book for detailed example. The native feels restless. Rahu in the 5th house This 5th house is very sensitive as it defines your intelligence. Only tip is to be true to yourself, shun hypocrisy and try to be as genuine as possible. The native uses many policies connected with the business, but he does not earn much. Learning new skills is difficult. Saturn rules the ninth and tenth house. Those with this placement should learn to overcome feelings of inferiority and self-doubt. Thank you for the opportunity to help me know more about myself. In this case, the native may only find temporary jobs till his age of 35/40, though he may earn well at times. His father may die before his age of 25 or 20. I am cancer ascendant in the D1, AK Saturn in 7th house conjunct with sun- aspected by retrograde Jupiter from 3rd house. The native is unlucky and has less faith in God. I would probably always been in this hole that I've been in for the past several years and she's giving me the opportunity to get out of it. I just had a humble query as a student, so placement of malefics (in this case saturn) in dushamsthan, can it be considered as auspicious, from the perspective of negative cancels negative? If the finer factors and running times are supportive, he may own a chain of gyms having branches in several countries of the world, and his business empire may be worth in multimillions or billions. The native may witness delay in childbirth, and/or he may have children who may be physically and/or mentally troubled in some way. You have to work gaining confidence in life, to learn to mingle with others, to boldly speak out on what you want, to stand equal with your siblings. Thank u. Astrology and readings are so interesting. You will have to take on the responsibility of your ancestral properties, lands etc which will be an unwelcome burden on your heart. The 4th house in astrology is the house of home and family. The native is satisfied with his brothers and sisters and fully influences them. And I have moon in Asc, so its not because of that. Their family life is disturbed. Natal Saturn retrograde in the 10th house may lack confidence when it comes to moving ahead in their career, often being looked over for promotions, not because of a lack of talent but rather a lack of self-confidence. Children will go to foreign land for educational opportunities. Receiving readings in my email every day before I get on with my business has really helped me to align with my higher purpose and given me the bravery to confront each day with acute deliberateness. You want security in relationships but too much of a stability can get suffocating. You can learn energy healing modalities if you feel like it or take up come profession related to medicine or counselling. When young, you might have not been able to express yourself adequately. Check out which planet is aspecting him. Are you grabbing it or giving it up? This is a karmic duty on you to rebalance some misuse of the powers of the 5 th house by you in the past. Love affairs. You will face restriction, trouble and humiliation here, but persevere and work. Since each of those planets represent wealth, and wedding partner in astrology, there's a robust indication of a mogul or one who possesses lots important in life. I love my daily readings which help me prepare for the type of day Im subjected to have. As the traditional ruler of Capricorn and Aquarius, Saturn is the master architect of the zodiac by representing the way we respond to authority, status, and discipline in our lives. one of the sibling has exact in 1st house of Virgo (Ketu with ascendant lord in 6th and a heavy 12th house ( Rahu/Mars/Jupiter) & Venus in 7th and as per your consistent guidance they are interested in meditation in its purest form but not in any other spiritual practices (in fact they pleasantly surprised me recently when they mentioned they are long term practitioner of SoHam when I only recently learn this from you!). Saturn spends around 4.5 months every year in retrograde motion, so Saturn retrograde is not an unusual thing. Here, Saturn influences friendship and community. Afflicted health with bile. Saturn in the 5th House of Virgo Ascendant may make native success through the help of seniors, authorities, opposite sex after some struggle and delay. Much love and gratitude. Its nice to have someone like you explain the daily and monthly readings from The Ephemeris. The native is worried about his childrens account and takes pain for their progress. If Saturn aspected Virgo Lagna, it will make one lazy and easy going . OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SITE!!! I would be grateful for your valuable guidance . I have never seen anything like that in my entire life! Magically Delicious - all of this and Kelli's insight and I've shared with anyone who will listen - Let's KEEP GOING and GOING here in earth school so we grow into the fearless leaders for the Ages. Yes, and read tht post on prosperity. Worried and unlucky, devoid of mothers comforts and affection. For one reason or another, you feel very unsure of yourself and find it difficult to express who you are without fear of criticism from others. Avoid living in isolation as this will increase the negativity. During any Saturn retrograde transit, we may revisit or review those topics associated with Saturn or feel as if we are given a momentary reprieve from the typical effects of Saturn transits, which may include pressure and a sensation of burden, fear, or frustration.

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retrograde saturn in 5th house for virgo ascendant